Walter R. Schaden
Universitätsbuchhandlung & Antiquariat

Rosten, Leo

The Joys of Yiddish. A relaxed lexicon of Yiddish, Hebrew and Yinglish words often encountered in English, […]

Erscheinungsort: London
Verlag: W. H. Allen
Erscheinungsjahr: 1970
Auflage: 1st ed.
Format: Gr.-8°
Einband: Olnbd.
Zustand: Einband min. best. u. fleckig, g.e.

[…] plus dozens that ought to be, with serendipitous excursions into Jewish humour, habits, holidays, history, religion, ceremonies, folklore, and cuisine; the whole generously garnished with stories, anecdotes, epigrams, Talmudic quotations, folk sayings and jokes – from the days of the Bible to those of the beatnik; XXXIX pp., 547 pp.

ISBN: 0491003935
Sprache: englisch


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